Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Assignment 4 Final Photos and Written Statement Part One

When I took this photo it was a beautiful day out and I wanted to capture what I was seeing. I loved how the bare trees looked against the sky, but through my choice in only including a portion of the trees and lamp post I feel that I captured the simple beauty in what I was seeing. I tried to include just enough to let the viewer get this feeling. I think this perspective is unique because I was around a lot of buildings, etc. so I had to focus more on excluding things to get the shot I wanted then on what I was trying to include. This photo was not planned out, but was just a part of me going out to take photos and capturing the things that interested me, and my surroundings from my perspective. I like capturing scenes that are simple yet beautiful and can be related to by the viewer and yet make them question where the photo was taken at.

This photo was taken from the car window while I was on a road trip. We were driving through and stayed in many cities that shared names with countries and well known large cities in other countries. I tried to capture some of the signs, etc. that had these names on them because it became a joke throughout the trip. We hadn't planned anything ahead of time and last minute decided to go on a road trip and so every time we went by a well known place we would say "Hey, we went to ____!" I chose to include this photo in this set because of its simplicity and the alignment in one corner similar to the above photo of the trees/lamp post against the sky. It also fit into the color scheme that seemed to be appearing in the photos I ended up choosing.  

This photo was another out the window photo. On my road trip I started to see numerous farmhouses and barns in the middle of the fields. I found it ironic compared to the more commonly placed front of the property farmhouse in the North. These houses looked so desolate and yet almost serene. I didn't want to pass this whole phenomenon by and so captured it. It fit well into my theme of odd simplicity and framing for this set of photos. It also made the transition from side framed photos to center framed photos. 

This photo came out of experimental cropping when I was working with a group of city scene photographs. It contained elements of all of the previous photos that I had chose and fit nicely into the set. I feel like there is really a lot going on in this scene and yet it is still so simple because of the center placement of the lamp post into the frame. It becomes your focal point instead of everything that is going on in the background. It is a simple photograph that has a lot to say. 

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