1. This weekend I was out taking photos and although I have some interesting ones that I want to work with, I feel like I have only gotten half of the photos I need/want for the project so far. I also feel like I only have photos from one category I wanted to use for my project- a lot of outdoor photos. I will be able to change this by working more on some of the light reflecting objects I would like to try photographing and also by starting to work with the photos I have taken so far in photoshop. I feel like this would help let me know what I still need/am looking for. The positive side is that I have some photos I think I can work with, and the negative is that I am worried I am going to stick myself with different versions of the same photo.
2. The opposite of my project would be very clear and crisp photography. It would be of very definable and relatable moments in life. I could work this into my project by making abstract images that people feel like they can relate to.
3. A consistent visual element of my project I hope is to have some manipulation of camera functions to make the photos have distorted lighting/scenes that turn out to be more artistic and resemble paintings more than they do photographs. I may want to make some just be distorted and not look like a painting too. The opposite of this would be to have very strict photographs that clearly defined a scene. I could try working this into my photos by layering somehow to have parts of the scene be very definite and clear against my distorted photos.
4. brightness, mixture, blurriness, strobe lights, memories, pops of color, variety, non-standard, quirky, manipulated, layers, bold, different perspective, texture variety, humanity, shapes, intimate?, expression, line interplay, abstract.
5. At the "deepest core" I like this project because it is creative. I wanted to try and push farther how I manipulated photographs for the last project. Once I really got working on those photos I really started enjoying myself. It was the problem solving of layering the photos and having them turn out or not, and being surprised at what I could come up with. The one black and white photograph that I did last time also has me flirting with the idea of trying to get into something psychological with the meanings of the photos as well. This multiple dimensions like feeling is something that interests me.
6. If there were no restraints I would travel around to capture more beautiful scenes to use in my project. I would work with capturing things like the sunrise, sunset and other natural drastic lighting situations to then manipulate. It would be neat to alter these scenes some so that they were blown out at times, or given a melted look. It would be neat to have more amazing scenes to work with other than the city I live in.
10. I assume that I am going to be able to capture new exaggerated/"blown out" lighting scenes like I was able to create for the last project. I also assume that all the photos I have so far will be able to come together to make something cohesive and strong. I assume that I will be able to get what is in my head into a photograph.
12. If I removed the lighting aspect of my project, I would probably end up with more of a deep, confusing, hidden meanings photography project. It would be interesting photographs that were compiled together in unusual ways.
15. In a dream I have had many times, it is chaos. The location is this weird house that is part library, part department store, part big kitchen, slash a CLUE like house. It is my birthday party at first, I am young, but then things take a turn for the worse. There are people I need to run away from in the house, so then it becomes a chase around this oddly set up house. I could try and re-create the locations in this dream and put them in my photos or I could try to convey the emotions I have with being chased in the photos.
17. I could connect my images physically by turning them into a 3-D box to be displayed. I would connect them conceptually be techniques used and general composition of all the photographs. I could make my photos disconnected physically by making them all of different sizes and not displaying them close. Conceptually I could use different techniques with lighting for all and not use layering in all of the photos.
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