Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Assignment 4: Written Statement part 2

Interpretation: Some people liked my photos as postcards and others thought that they would work better as movie stills. Gilbert Grape was my favorite comparison. There was a general agreement that some of my photos should be lightened. Some people liked how I had altered the colors and others didn't, there was also some differing views on the placement choice of my focus subjects. Overall, they seemed to like the simplicity and solitude that these photos gave off.

Evaluation: I would play around with printing some of my images lightened up,  but for what they are/were I like them. I wouldn't really alter them much. I think that what I did is not something that is necessarily meant to be attractive and therefore is going to produce different reactions. I did another copy of the farmhouse lightened later on and I like it, but it does give off a different mood. I think that they work together well as a set though.

Extension: For a larger project I would extend these photos into a collection of capturing pieces of my surroundings, or America giving it a road trip like feel. I have this book "Boring Postcards" and I think it would be fun to capture it in the same way that the photographer did in that book.

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