#11____Memory of a Place:
The place of my past that I thought of first was a house I lived in while in the first grade. I moved around a lot growing up, so houses we lived in are easy to think of as time capsules. I don't know if there are any pictures of the house on its own, but there are pictures of things like easter, etc. that went on in the house while we were there. If I were to go back and see the house, and photograph it, I know it wouldn't have the same quality or fondness as it once did. There may be remodeling, or it could be falling apart, and whoever lives there now would show through by however they have it set up. A photograph if I was looking at it would only show the changes. In the past, it was just a simple white house, with 2 stories that is off of a semi-main road. It is right in town. It has a huge bathroom upstairs that was carpeted. The bathroom is almost like a bedroom turned into a bathroom. The tub has claw feet and was fun to play in. My bedroom had a little seat in the window that looked out into the backyard. The backyard had two layers, and was fun to go sledding in during winter because you would fly off the first level onto the second. The living room had wooden floors and there was a swinging door off the kitchen. It was a good house to be young in. In many of the rooms I recall, I think of things that my mother and I did together in them, besides my room where I remember making up my own books. It was something we did in class and I would come home and make my own by stapling together printer paper.
#12____Memory of a Photograph:
When I think of the past, I think of early childhood, I suppose because I am not that old yet. I cannot think of a particular photograph that I remember more than another, but after responding to the prompt above, I am now thinking of a polaroid photo of my mother and I at church on Mother's day. We went to the church with my best friend and her mom, it worked out well because we were best friends and our parents were best friends. We would always go do girl things together. The photo is simple. It was at the pancake breakfast after the service, and my mother is sitting in one of those old metal fold out chairs and I am standing up, leaning into her. We are both wearing dresses and I have my hair in two french braids. The photo reminds me of the things my mother and I used to do together and how we used to be so close. I have changed in that I am no longer that little girl and my mom and I do not get along. I haven't been back to that church in so long, I am sure that it has been changed since. A re-enactment of the photo would not be as special, because the girlhood relationship I once had with my mother is lost. We would also look very differently because we are both at least 10 years older now.
#13____Human-Made Space:
I most frequently see people interact with the land in city life. I see people litter, walking through snow and slush, building new things where there used to be land...but my favorite place to see people interacting with the land, and to be myself, is the beach. At the beach, you still see littering, etc. but there is more. Now you have people in the water, getting seaweed goop stuck in-between their toes, building sand castles, digging holes, just laying on the sand, going for walks along the water, climbing on rocks...
For a photograph I would probably make some kind of structure out of beach glass that is found along the beach. It would look great outdoors as a structure, and is something that has become a natural part of almost all beaches. Also, it is a piece of the beach that is hard to come across, and takes real dedication to procure a collection. This I think would show some of the beauty found on the beach and focus back on the beach itself instead of the people on it.
#14____Unknown vs. Familiar Space:
To convey the difference between a faraway place and a familiar place I would include different subject matter. In the familiar place I would probably take a closer up shot that included familiar people doing everyday things. Possibly a shot from Christmas would work well, or family members doing daily activities. You would have to show the connection between the subjects and make the location feel close and lived in. For my faraway place it would be ideal to have no people in the photograph, but if they were they should be distant, and just be in the photo, not a part of it. I would also try and take a wide angle shot to capture as much of the image as possible- to really show the location. Small islands are what I think of when it comes to places that haven't really been touched by humans, or the middle of the jungle. I would try and capture these places in both a familiar and faraway way. First, faraway to capture it as a whole, and then in a familiar way to capture what makes it unique and special.
#15____In-Camera Collage:
This prompt makes me think of my Grandma's house, and my fiance's parents house. I have/do spend a lot of time at both of these places, and they, along with the people in them make up who I am. To create this photo, I would try and include the people I am in contact with in both of the houses in the photograph to make the scene more descriptive. I am not sure how it would work to capture the essence of what both of these places have meant to me...
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